08 April 2020: Staying safe at home when home is not the safest place
08 April 2020
Staying safe, when home is not the safest place – support is available and thanks to those who continue to provide it.
Keeping people safe is everyone’s top priority, but we recognise that for some staying home is not as safe as it is for others. Sadly, there are examples in our communities, which we should all be alert to notice.
It is important that anyone who is being abused at home knows they can still call the police and that there is help out there from local and national support services who continue to provide advice and assistance to those in need.
It is a sad but known fact that tensions will rise when people are confined together, especially during such a stressful time as COVID-19 presents. But abuse of any kind should not be tolerated, whatever the circumstances.
Our partners are working hard to ensure that they can continue to deliver the vital lifeline support that they offer those who are experiencing abuse, while protecting their staff and the community by following the Government’s instructions relating to reducing the spread of coronavirus. They are doing a fantastic job of adapting their ways of working and coping with increased demand and reduced resources to ensure that they are there when people need them most. I thank and applaud them for all they are doing to help keep people safer.
Getting help
Call the police on 999 if you are in immediate danger. If you can’t talk on the phone, call 999 and then press 55. Your call will be transferred to the relevant police force who will assist you without you having to speak.
Support for victims of any crime type:
Victim Care Service – The Victim Care Service is delivered by the national charity Victim Support; the service provides support to victims of crime four years and above who are a resident of Hampshire or the Isle of Wight. In addition to the main service, the VCS has specialist teams for Domestic Abuse, children and young people (CYP), and a team of Priority caseworkers who work with victims of the most serious crimes, such as Sexual Abuse
For support and advice phone 0808 178 1641 from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday or email hub.hiow@victimsupport.org.uk
Any calls to the service made between 8am-9am and 5pm-8pm Mon-Fri and 8am-8pm Saturday will automatically be diverted to Victim Support’s national Supportline.
Support specifically for victims of Domestic abuse
Hampshire Domestic Abuse Service (provided by Stop Domestic Abuse which is currently operating the majority of its services, taking referrals as usual, but most are being delivered in a different way e.g. via telephone, skype etc. Teams have been equipped with technology so they can work remotely where possible. Increased measures have been introduced in offices and at refuge sites to reduce the risk of infection.)
Contact advice@stopdomesticabuse.uk or telephone: 033 0016 5112 Advice Line opening hours: 11:30am – 14:30pm Monday – Friday. From Monday 6 April 2020 for a trial period victims and perpetrators (not professionals) will be able to call the advice line 9.30am-5.30pm Monday – Thursday and 9.30am-5.00pm Friday. www.stopdomesticabuse.uk
Isle of Wight
YouFirst are the commissioned provider of domestic abuse, sexual violence and perpetrator support services on the Isle of Wight. They are continuing to provide support with clients over the phone, email, Facetime and video link. Contact 0800 234 6266 or youfirstiow@theyoutrust.org.uk
Portsmouth Integrated Domestic Abuse Refuge and Outreach Service (provided by Stop Domestic Abuse which is currently operating the majority of its services, taking referrals as usual, but most are being delivered in a different way e.g. via telephone, skype etc.)
Contact portsmouthreferral@stopdomesticabuse.uk or 02392 065494. Opening hours: 9:00am – 9.00pm Monday-Friday, Weekends and bank holidays 10:00am-6.00pm www.stopdomesticabuse.uk
PIPPA (an alliance group of specialist sexual and domestic abuse services offering support, advice and safety information or referral to local services) helpline open 09:30-16:30 Monday –Friday on 023 80 917917 or email pippa@southampton.gov.uk www.pippasouthampton.org