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News in Category: Uncategorised

First day in Office for new PCC Donna Jones

Meeting the Chief Constable and getting out into the community have been the first actions of new Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, who has officially taken up office today. 

13 May 2021

Donna Jones is to be the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

Donna Jones has been elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and will officially take up office on Thursday 13 May. 

10 May 2021

Join the Youth IAG

The Strategic Youth Independent Advisory Group (YIAG) is a voluntary group made up of young people who are independent from the police. It meets six times a year, to review and challenge policing practices in a constructive way. This helps improve the police service to the public.

07 May 2021

Safeguarding victims of modern slavery top of the agenda

Labour Exploitation, County Lines and Sexual Exploitation are the main forms of slavery in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and as such are the focus of webinars being hosted by the Hampshire Modern Slavery Partnership (MSP).

06 May 2021

Comment on the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The announcement of the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh naturally draws heartfelt condolences and prayers for Her Majesty, his family and all those who mourn him.

09 April 2021

Have Your Say – Register to Vote

There is less than a month left to register to vote for the next Police and Crime Commissioner elections on Thursday 6 May 2021

23 March 2021

Safer Streets project delivers safety measures for Southampton’s city centre

Starting Monday, 22 March, Southampton residents will see a number of safety improvement works being delivered in the Bargate Ward area.

19 March 2021

Helping to protect women and girls from violence

The recent events surrounding the tragic death of Sarah Everard has firmly placed a spotlight on violence against women and girls. Many people have been shocked and saddened by her death and as result have spoken up, shared their own experience, and called for decisive action to be taken to help prevent future acts of […]

17 March 2021

Partners coming together to ensure justice for victims of crime during the pandemic

To mark national Justice Week, members of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Criminal Justice Board are sharing their views on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the all parts of system including policing, the crown prosecution service, defence and probation.

03 March 2021

Office of the PCC receives national transparency award again

The Office of the PCC has again been awarded the CoPaCC Open and Transparent Quality Mark for 2021, demonstrating that this website provides clear information on the performance and activities of the PCC.

03 March 2021

Views on Serious Violence, Exploitation and Hate Crime sought by Youth Commission

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Commission is asking young people for their ideas on how to tackle serious violence (such as knife crime), the exploitation of young people, for example through grooming and county lines, and hate crime as part of its Big Conversation 2021.

25 February 2021

Pupils learn to spot fake news on Safer Internet Day

Industry collaborations provide Cyber Ambassadors with new learning opportunities

02 February 2021

Open letter to residents from local NHS leaders in Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Leaders across the NHS in Hampshire and Isle of Wight have called on the public to support the NHS by staying safe and using the right service.

12 January 2021

Keeping Christmas Kind: Shop workers and their families speak out about abuse in moving Christmas campaign

The film features real people who have put themselves at risk working in essential shops, keeping families fed and providing vital human interaction for so many people who have been alone at home for much of the year.

30 November 2020

‘Words against weapons’: sculpture showcases Basingstoke young people’s stand against knife crime

A new sculpture depicting some of the thoughts and feelings of Basingstoke’s young people about knife crime has been unveiled as part of a project by the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Commission and Hampshire Cultural Trust (HCT) to tackle youth knife crime through artwork.

18 November 2020

East Hampshire policing team move to new premises in Bordon

The Police and Crime Commissioner is pleased to announce that the dedicated team of Hampshire Constabulary officers serving the Whitehill, Bordon, Headley, Grayshott, Liphook and Liss area moved to their new premises at Highview Business Park, Bordon on Thursday 12 November.

12 November 2020

Hundreds learn how to safeguard victims of modern slavery

Hundreds of professionals from across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton have come together online to learn how they can identify and safeguard potential victims of Modern Slavery.

29 October 2020

More work needed to help residents recognise hate crime

Work undertaken by the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office during this week’s National Hate Crime Awareness Week showed that more is needed to help people recognise hate crime.

16 October 2020

Hate Crime comes out as top issue of concern for young people in this quarter’s Big Conversation

Over 730 young people have responded to the Youth Commission’s Big Conversation this year providing their views on the topics of Hate Crime, Serious Violence and Exploitation. In the latest quarter’s results (April – June), Hate Crime was selected most often as the top concern for young people in the policing area.

14 October 2020

Police move to new premises in Lymington

The Police and Crime Commissioner is pleased to announce that officers serving the New Forest West area are from Monday 12 October moving into their new premises at the New Forest District Council offices on Avenue Road.  This move provides modern and fit-for-purpose accommodation for officers and staff to continue policing the Lymington area.

09 October 2020