Partnership working
Reducing crime and promoting public safety cannot be delivered by the police alone. We all have an important role to play. Effective partnerships prevent duplication, reduce costs, and tackle issues using a joined-up approach.
The Police and Crime Commissioner already has collaborative arrangements in place with, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, Thames Valley Police and Hampshire County Council that create efficiency through estates and functions such as IT, personnel and procurement. In addition there are a number of well established networks that the Police and Crime Commissioner is involved in.
The Commissioner's Performance and Information Team have created dashboards of data, which form part of the Community Safety Partnership project and are based on public figures.
The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Local Criminal Justice Board
The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Local Criminal Justice Board’s vision is to deliver in partnership, a fair, effective and efficient Criminal Justice System, focusing on the service given to victims and witnesses of crime, prevention and rehabilitation of offenders in order to make Hampshire and the Isle of Wight a place where people will feel safe to live, work and visit.
Modern Slavery Partnership
The Modern Slavery Partnership was created in response to the Modern Slavery Act and government modern slavery guidance. Chaired by a member of the Police and Crime Commissioner's team the partnership is working to develop the best interagency response to modern slavery so victims are properly supported and the partnership can continue to prevent offending and prosecute offenders.

Violence Reduction Unit
The Pan Hampshire Area is one of twenty areas tasked by the Home Office to set up a Violence Reduction Unit (VRU).
The VRU brings together health, police, education leaders, health workers, local government and many other organisations from across local communities to tackle violent crime and address its underlying causes.
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Business Crime Partnership
The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Business Crime Partnership brings together businesses, professional organisations, police, and public sector support agencies.
Integrated Offender Management
Integrated Offender Management (IOM) is a partnership approach to managing offenders whose crimes cause damage and harm locally. The outcome is safer, more vibrant and thriving communities, achieved through reducing re-offending and supporting people to live crime free lives.
The IOM partnership includes the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire Constabulary, the Community Rehabilitation Company, the Society of St James, Community Safety Partnerships, the National Probation Service, prison, housing, drug and alcohol services, mental health services, domestic abuse services, counselling services, debt management advice, education, employment and training and many more.

Independent Office for Police Conduct
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) oversees the police complaints system in England and Wales. They investigate the most serious matters, including deaths following police contact, and set the standards by which the police should handle complaints. They identify learning from their work and use that to make recommendations to influence changes in policing.
The IOPC are independent, and make their decisions entirely independently of the police and government.