Cowes police station is one step closer to opening to the public
05 October 2023

The new police station in Cowes on the Isle of Wight is one step closer to opening with work to convert the new site starting this week, momentously marking 10 years since the previous site on Birmingham Road was closed.
The new station for Cowes Neighbourhood Police Team will be at 126 High Street, putting police back in the heart of the town, thanks to the announcement made by Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones to reopen 10 police stations over the next 18 months.
The new Cowes Police Station is due to open in December 2023 and will be the first to open out of the 10 recently unveiled.
The plan is for Cowes Neighbourhood Policing Team to move into the new station on the High Street just before Christmas.
Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones said: “I’m delighted to see my plan to increase police visibility begin to take shape.
“The renovation work starting at the site this week will ensure the station is open to the public by the end of the year.
“The new station will be open to the public for drop-ins and pre-arranged appointments, making police officers accessible and connected to the public once more.”
As part of the announcement, the Commissioner also confirmed she would reopen Ryde Police Station to the public by Autumn 2024.
The Commissioner concluded: “In 12 months’ time the island will have three police stations open to the public instead of just one.
“Being able to pop into your local police station is such an important part of feeling safe and supported, and it means local officers can once again be a part of a community.”