Personal Safety

When you are out and about there are a number of ways you can help keep yourself safer.
General precautions
- Where possible stick to busy, well-lit areas
- Look self-confident and walk with purpose
- Keep money and valuables out of sight
- Keep your bags closed and where possible wear across your chest
- Carry only the money you need
- Keep your mobile phone charged
- Avoid walking and talking on your mobile phone
If you are on a night out
- Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back
- Plan how you are going to get home and ensure you keep aside any money needed for transport
- Be cautious about accepting drinks from people you don’t know
- Don’t leave your drink unattended
- Avoid walking alone
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If you are driving
- Park in a busy area with good lighting
- Ensure you have plenty of fuel, oil and water
- Check that your lights are working
If you are using a taxi
- Try to book in advance or go to a taxi rank or office
- Genuine taxis are licensed by the local authority and should display a plate showing their licence number
- If you feel uneasy about the driver or car do not get in – is already underway ask the driver to pull over in a busy well -lit place and get out
Using public transport
- Plan your journey – know the times and route
- Wait in the most well-lit place and busy place
- Sit in a busy section or near the driver /guard
- Report any unattended bags or suspicious activity immediately
Out running?
Running in daylight is always a safer choice, but if you have to run at night or in the early morning:
- Choose a well-lit route
- Be visible – wear bright and reflective clothing
- Vary your route and time
- Stay aware of your surroundings – avoid wearing headphones
- Take your phone with you so you can call for assistance if you are injured or concerned
- If possible run with someone else
If someone tries to take something from you
- Let them have it – throw the item on the ground
- Run away
- Seek help in the nearest safe place
- Report it to the police
If you think you are being followed
- Cross the road to see if the person does the same
- Go into a busy public place such as petrol station, pub or shop
- Call someone to come and meet you
- Report it to the police
Further information
Report It
Victim Support
Head back to the Crime Prevention page to find more advice and tips.