Eastleigh Police move into new base
05 March 2019

Officers serving the Eastleigh area are today [5 March] moving into their new police office at the town’s Shakespeare Business Centre. It provides modern and fit-for-purpose accommodation for officers and staff.
Responsible for the police estate, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s team has fitted out a suitable site for the local policing team to relocate to.
The new site provides:
- An interview room
- Workspace and welfare facilities for 30 officers and staff
- Parking for operational vehicles
- Meeting rooms
- Maintains a close proximity to Eastleigh town centre.
Chief Inspector Darren Miller, Eastleigh District Commander, said: “I am pleased Eastleigh’s Neighbourhood Policing Team will be able to work in a more modern and fit-for-purpose building.
“The team and I will still be located in the centre of the community, making us effective and accessible for all.”
Today, the vast majority of residents contacting the police do so via telephone, via online and other methods. As a result, use of front counter services in Eastleigh has declined considerably and the decision to update and modernise the facilities was taken in 2018. The new base allows the force to work more effectively with their resources for the local community.
Eastleigh’s old police station is outdated and no longer fit-for-purpose. The Commissioner’s estate strategy continues to retain police officers in a mix of new and refurbished bases within the communities they serve. The sale of the old station will support the effective delivery of modern policing now and into the future.