Free ACE/Trauma training for professionals
29 September 2021

Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones is pleased to offer free ACE/Trauma training for professionals across sectors who support young people up to the age of 25 years. Those attending training must be aged at least 18 years.
This follows a successful funding bid to the Home Office to deliver a trauma informed training programme.
Please email for further details.
Training is delivered virtually by Rock Pool and WAVE Trust, credible, trauma informed training providers.
The Trauma Informed Agenda is based upon understanding how trauma from adversities experienced as children (ACEs) can impact upon us our whole lives, including increasing the risk of negative health or social outcomes. We can all help reduce risk and increase buffering protection of children and young people suffering trauma by working in a trauma informed way (and this training explains what this is about). Staff would benefit from attending a session whether they are well informed or new to this subject. There is always something to learn, and this is a new package written specifically for this Home Office Trauma Informed training programme.
The interest from the Police and Crime Commissioner stems from understanding that a baby’s brain develops significantly in early years and is shaped by relationships and experiences around them. In these early years our view of the world develops which could be anything from feeling inherently safe, loved and secure, to believing the world is a dangerous and uncaring place. This view of the world can impact a person their whole life in terms of increasing risk of negative outcomes or giving them some protective buffering against this.
Embedding trauma informed practice across public services could help people live happier, healthier, crime-free lives, and in the longer term also reduce demand across public services.