Surveys: Have your say

Part of the Police and Crime Commissioner role is to listen, respond, and act upon your views, carrying out meaningful consultation with the public to inform the work of the Office.
Listening to the community, business, specialist partners and the Chief Constable’s team, who deliver the operational policing is an important first step before producing a Police and Crime Plan.
Have your say here:
Police Precept Consultation
Have your say on what you pay for policing
This survey is to gather your views on what level of increase in council tax you wish to pay in support of policing.
Policing in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is funded by your local council tax contributions, and central government grant. Council tax contributions make up 41% of the police budget, whilst the remaining 59% is funded by the government.
Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones is elected by you to ensure Hampshire & Isle of Wight is run efficiently and effectively, and delivers value for money. Each year, the Commissioner asks the public their views on the policing element of their council tax.
The Commissioner is keen to hear from as many people as possible on what you want to pay for policing.
Based on your previous feedback, the Commissioner is keen to continue to support an increase in police officer numbers, with an ambition to get to an additional 1000 as soon as possible. The Commissioner raised council tax by £10 annually based on a band D property and pledged the recruitment of 75 more police officers. This £10 rise was the lowest in the country.
Recruiting and training police officers, and opening police stations and front counters require ongoing investment which is why your views on where you want your money to go and which crimes matter to you the most is vital.
Council tax contributions are based on a band D property, which means you will pay less if your property is a band A-C and more if it is a band E-H.
If you are not sure which council tax band your property is in, you can check at Check your Council Tax band – GOV.UK
This survey is open for four weeks in order to hear from as many people as possible.
The survey will close at 11.59pm on Monday 16 December 2024.
The results of the consultation will be shared at the Police and Crime Panel in January 2025 at which time they will be publicly available.
Knife Crime Survey
PCC Donna Jones is inviting young people to take part in a new knife crime survey. The OPCC’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) for Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight is supporting the University of Portsmouth with a new study that is exploring people’s perceptions of knife crime and its impact, including their feelings of safety.
Tackling knife crime is a key concern for PCC Donna Jones in her Police and Crime Plan and we hope this anonymous survey will gain insight into perceptions of knife crime in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight and how it impacts of peoples’ feelings of safety.
We are particularly interested in hearing the voices of young people, in particular teenagers and young adults between the ages of 12 to 25 years old. If you are a parent, carer or guardian, we hope that you can encourage your young person to have their voice heard, or maybe assist them to complete this survey.
Responses will assist the OPCC to understand better how to help people and communities impacted by knife crime and how to divert young people away from criminality.
Focus Groups and Consultations
It is important that as a resident of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton you have the opportunity to talk to us about your thoughts, views and experiences on local policing, community safety and solutions to improving the life opportunities for all our residents.
Having your voice heard and seeing how you have contributed to positive change for individuals and communities is our goal. We want to provide focus groups and consultation opportunities on a range of themes and topics, all of which feed directly into the work of the Commissioner and his team.
Whether you:
- Have been a victim of a crime or know someone who has
- Want to share your thoughts on a particular issue
- Want to share your experiences on policing and community safety
- Want to help shape how we communicate with residents and share opinions on campaign materials
We’d really like to hear from you. We ask you take the time to register your interest in being a part of our focus group and consultation opportunities. This link takes you to a registration form where you can complete your details securely and let us know the types of things you’d like to talk to us about.
Register your interest here:
Responses captured through our focus groups, consultations and surveys are anonymous and cannot be used to identify you. We will share results of consultations and engagement activity with relevant partners to ensure a strengthened partnership approach to understanding the needs of the public, and the wider support needed to help keep our communities safer.
Reports from our previous focus groups can be found on the results and reports page.