Gosport Residents invited to meet Police and Crime Commissioner
06 January 2022

Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, will be joining Gosport Councillor Lesley Meenaghan and her colleague Rob Thompson for a Community Action Day on Saturday 8th January from 11am to 1pm at the Gosport Discovery Centre.
The Commissioner is keen to hear residents’ views on crime and policing and to provide feedback on the actions she has taken to address community issues and concerns that have been raised with her. Donna Jones has recently published her Police and Crime Plan ‘More Police Safer Streets’ which sets out her policing priorities for the next 3 years. 600 more police on the streets, increasing police visibility and improving the 101 service are some of the top priorities. You can read the full plan by visiting www.morepolicesaferstreets.com
Donna Jones said: “I am pleased to be spending time in Gosport on Saturday attending Cllr Meenaghan and Rob Thompson’s community event. Hearing directly from residents helps me to build a clear picture of concerns and issues and to identify solutions that could be put in place by Hampshire Constabulary or other partners. Whether the issues are about ASB, road safety, or threats of violence, I want to hear about it. I would encourage any residents living In the area that have any concerns to attend.”
Councillor Lesley Meenaghan said: “We are delighted that Donna is joining us Saturday. We hope this will be the first of many opportunities for the residents of Gosport to meet their PCC & share any concerns in regard to matters relating to policing & the safety of local residents”