Learn about Modern Slavery at Southampton Central Library
07 April 2022

The Modern Slavery Partnership’s emotive and thought provoking exhibition ‘The Real Faces of Modern Slavery: Unmasking The Truth’ will be showing at Southampton Central Library from 12th April until 13th May.
The exhibition is a journey through the compelling stories of survivors identified and supported within our surrounding area depicting their experiences, past and present, as well as their future aspirations as they start to rebuild their lives. The Exhibition includes information that sets out what slavery looks like today, the forms it takes and where it takes place.
Exploitation types found within Hampshire include sexual exploitation of both adults and children, criminal exploitation including that within county lines and cannabis factories, labour exploitation such as that taking place in nail bars and car washes and financial exploitation in the form of benefit fraud.
Donna Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner and Chair of the Modern Slavery Partnership, said, “Modern day slaves look just like me or you. It’s not all about people being trafficked in from other countries. They could be a sex worker being exploited by a criminal gang, they could be a drugs mule running county lines to move drugs around the country.
“This exhibition really makes you stop and think about what modern day slavery is and realise that it could be happening in your community.
“If more people recognise it and report it, then we can crack down and stop modern day slavery.”
If you would like further information, then please visit www.modernslaverypartnership.org.uk
If you come across a situation where someone is in immediate danger, then please call the Police on 999 or for non-emergencies 101. Together we can look to tackle this crime and bring support to those being exploited.