PCC holds Chief Constable to account in latest Q&A session
31 January 2024

The Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, has enabled the public to have their say with the Chief Constable Scott Chilton in a live streamed forum.
COPS (Commissioner’s Oversight of Policing Services) was broadcast on Tuesday 23 January 2024 across the PCC’s, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary’s Facebook pages.
This time, the event focused on three areas – shoplifting, the 101 service and rural crime. The public submitted over 80 questions ahead of the event with people also asking questions during the live session.
PCC Donna Jones said: “I chose these topics to shine a light on these areas of crime and policing services as they affect so many residents, businesses and communities across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It gave the event specific focus and I was really pleased to put some great questions to the Chief Constable.
“We also discussed the named Local Bobby scheme which I have just launched, the fantastic work taking place on my pledge to open more police stations and more front counters to the public, and the great progress we’re seeing in the 101 service here with call handling times now one of the best in the country.
“I’m ensuring that enormous strides are being made so that Hampshire and the Isle of Wight are two of the safest counties to live in, work in and visit. I hope to see even more people engaging at the next COPS event when they can witness all the work that’s going on to provide safer communities for all.”
The PCC has a statutory role to hold the Chief Constable to account on the performance of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary on behalf of the public. COPS provides a regular platform for the essential oversight. A recording of COPS is available to watch on the PCC’s website at COPS meetings – Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner (hampshire-pcc.gov.uk) and on the official PCC Facebook page at COPS: Live Q&A January 2024.
PCC Donna Jones added: “For anyone who missed the live session, you can watch it back either on my website or on my Facebook page. Please also share the videos so that more and more people can watch and see the progress that’s being made across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.”