Police and Crime Commissioner responds to ongoing reports of anti-social motorbike use in north Portsmouth
26 July 2023

Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones is responding to calls from residents in the north of Portsmouth affected by on-going noise nuisance caused by motorbikes.
Residents have had their peace shattered following multiple reports to the police and the council caused by motorbikes riding on Portsdown Hill, Western Road, Lakeside Roundabout and in the Portsbridge area in Cosham. The group of motorbike enthusiasts have been using the public highway as a circuit, which has in turn caused issues from the loud sounding engines.
Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones said: “The noise pollution caused by the motorbikes and cars has caused a significant noise issue for thousands of people. This behaviour is unacceptable and can’t go on. It is affecting children sleeping at night and people’s right to enjoy peace in their homes. It has caused much upset.
“Police are looking out for illegal retrofitted exhausts which increase engine noise and for riders committing anti-social behaviour. Most riders are not speeding or driving dangerously, but causing a nuisance by slowing down and speeding up, within the speed limit, to create a kick-back exhaust sound. This is an issue we need to tackle by working closely with the council’s Environmental Health team.
“Last year I made an offer to ward councillors to fund jointly with the city council CCTV cameras on Portsdown Hill.
“I have spoken directly with the leader of the council, Cllr Steve Pitt, and agreed to hold a multi-agency meeting this week, which includes the Roads Policing Unit, local authority highways team, local councillors and the MP Penny Mordaunt.”
Cllr Steve Pitt, Leader of the Council, said: “We’re absolutely committed to ensuring that residents in Cosham feel safe in their communities and tackling anti-social behaviour is key to that.
“We know many motorcycle users do not engage in this type of activity but we can’t tolerate repeated and regular disturbances from bikes that are making residents feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
“We are working with the police and Police and Crime Commissioner to assess the situation in Cosham – particularly in Western Road where we have seen an increase in anti-social motorcycle meets – so that we can tackle this issue.”