
SafetyNet+ is a secure partnership database for information sharing, joint risk management and problem solving for multi-agency work across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton.
It has been designed to enable multiple partners to work together to protect and safeguard those at most risk and jointly manage those that present a threat. It facilitates our joint efforts to reduce crime, promote public safety, and create vibrant and inclusive communities.
Key features of SafetyNet+
- Access to real-time headline information to jointly safeguard vulnerable individuals
- Allowing the sharing of the right information, at the right time, with the right people
- Secure platform accessible to authorised users only
- Built-in access controls
- Co-ordination of Partnership Action Groups and joint problem solving
- Integrated risk management and review process
SafetyNet+ is managed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on behalf of community safety partner organisations.
To find out more about SafetyNet+ and how it could benefit your team or organisation, please contact us and ask for the SafetyNet+ team.
Information Management Board
The Information Management Board has strategic oversight of the Information Sharing Framework and Connection to SafetyNet+ to ensure appropriate guidelines are in place for partner agencies to operate within. This is to achieve a consistent approach to data quality and maintain the security of the system, and to ensure the platform effectively facilitates multi-agency information sharing.
Partner Sign-up Pack
The partner pack with additional information can be accessed below. The Information Sharing Framework and Connection to SafetyNet+ facilitates your organisation’s access to SafetyNet+.
Welcome to SafetyNet+ (Read First!)
SafetyNet+ Information Sharing Framework and Connection Agreement
Which organisations can join SafetyNet+?
Only organisations working within or contributing to a Community Safety Partnership or Supporting Families Programme in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton can join SafetyNet+. New organisations wishing to join must be approved by their local CSP Manager or local Supporting Families Coordinator.
I am a community safety partner/ supporting families’ provider, how do I register my organisation for SafetyNet+ access?
Firstly seek approval from your local CSP Manager or local Supporting Families Coordinator.
Each organisation is required to sign and agree to the Information Sharing Framework and Connection to SafetyNet+.
Has the Information Sharing Framework and Connection to SafetyNet+ document been reviewed in light of the new General Data Protection Regulation?
Yes, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has taken specialist advice and updated the documentation to take account of the requirements of the new General Data Protection Regulation and to clarify the data protection relationship between our organisations.
Is there an Information Sharing Agreement for SafetyNet+ partners?
Yes, the Information Sharing Agreement between SafetyNet+ partners is Schedule 3 of the Information Sharing Framework and Connection to SafetyNet+.
Which other organisations are using SafetyNet+?
There is a list of SafetyNet+ partners available to download here.
Is there training and user support available?
Yes, training is available via your Community Safety Partnership and user support available at
I want further information
Please contact the Performance and Information Team at