Scrutiny and Meetings

The Police and Crime Commissioner scrutinises the Chief Constable, and those decisions are also scrutinised by the Joint Audit Committee and the Police and Crime Panel.
COPS: Commissioner’s Oversight of Policing Services
The PCC scrutinises the Chief Constable and puts your questions to him. Find out more about COPS meetings here.
Joint Audit Committee
The Joint Audit Committee was established by the PCC and Chief Constable to support them and statutory officers in ensuring that effective governance and risk management arrangements are in place and functioning efficiently and effectively. The Committee also scrutinises the draft statement of accounts, and considers whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed, and makes recommendations for improvements to anti-fraud and corruption strategies. These meetings, to which the public are invited to attend, are not held by the Elected Policing Body.
Police and Crime Panel
The Police and Crime Panel is responsible for scrutinising and supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner. The meetings are not held by the Elected Policing Body but are held in public with members of the public encouraged to attend and to submit questions.
The Panel is made up of representatives from each of the local authorities in the Hampshire Constabulary area, which includes the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton, the eleven Hampshire Borough and District councils, and the Counties of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panel
Out of Court Disposals are responses to crime that the police can administer locally without having to take the matter to court. These disposals are a valuable tool for the police when tackling low-level crime and can represent an effective response to offending that focuses on the needs of the victim.
The Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panel meets every two months to review a dip-sampled selection of cases where the outcome was an out of court disposal.