Delivered by The Society of St James, RESET, custody navigators offers voluntary support to 18 to 25 year olds year olds who have been arrested. It promotes a whole system, public health approach to reducing crime by minimising vulnerability and building protective factors. Young adulthood is a time of developmental milestones and transition, and can be a challenging period. RESET navigators are located in police custody and offer support in the reachable/teachable moment of crisis when a young person may be more open to change.
In addition to the constructive conversation in custody, provision in the community and signposting to other services are offered. A strength based needs assessment is undertaken and the young adult is offered holistic support with relevant areas of their life, for example housing, mental health, education, training and employment.
Distance travelled data is collected to monitor the impact of this novel local project and an independent evaluation will contribute to the emerging national evidence base about custody navigator interventions.
297 people have been supported by reset this last financial year.
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